testing different types of etching

Thanks a lot Rudy for the tips

Actually i did juat that with mustard, when ivfpund it wasnt effective i layed paralel lines on one side and very thon layer on the other. Was going to post pics tomorrow. (tried aleeping but couldnt)

I actually left them outside for the night, they will be greeted by the sun in few hours :)

I never thought about the cleaning either...

Thanks again
12 hour check

i left the jars outside by night (just in case any naughty vapors try to escape the jars), it ws really cold (by MY standards outside) but the jrs had about 2 hours of sun exposure at the time of that check



and thats vinegar after wiping it with a dry cotton
note, the nail polish literally fell off (im baffled too) while cleaning so its place is no longer protected


cola after wiping with cotton (that one emits some seriously nasty smell, i think the worst two are cola and mustard)



both sides of mustard after cleaning with water


bleach, which seems to be unaffected below the liquid level except for those huge rust spots around sticker and nailpolish


lemon with just little wiped with my finger (with latex in between :D)

i am starting to see a pattern here actually

im out now, when i return home later will do final check and clean-up and give you all the details :)
all out and clean! ( a while ago, but as i stated i do most of my work from my tab, whats coming next would have been bit hard, my apologies for the delay)


the above row is the 400g and lower is 800g
was hell trying to photograph them but then thought i would try the light box! it did help a lot!

1 Vinegar

vinegar created a nice etch, has sort of dark spots scattered at random, probably dude to the air bubbles i found and mentioned earlier, some of them created very tiny pits.
it probably ruined the nail polish cover i put, however i am not sure if its simply a matter of thicker layer of nail polish or a general thing

the 800g has a lighter shade of the etch than the 400g, however if you plan on doing this i wouldnt advise wasting much energy 'making surface pretty or neat' and definitely dont advise useing for anything you plan on using for something you would eat
also the part above the surface got bit darker on the 800g side

note: those scratch marks are from cleaning, i used a scotchbrite pad that was apparently too coarse

2 Cola

now the Cola, that stuff is scary.
seriously i dont think we should be drinking this, specially children! (and yes i know its higher ph than the acid in our stomach)

it had the THICKEST/HEAVIEST patina!!
(on the picture on the left (400g side) the left side is darker, the right side is lighter, thats because after cleanup i rubbed it hard to dry, thats when i discovered the outer layer is removable. this was dicovered after writing this review)

very smooth on the 800g side, but coarse on the 400g (even after removing the layer of oxidization) also on the 400 side there are 'sparkles; like crystallization of sort (thats the layer that was removed with hard rubbing)

nail polish did a great job though, even the stickers a little bit

all in all its very nice patina at higher grits, a mistake will stick out though

3 Mustard

Mustard, Mustard, where the dreams that i've been after?! lame but i couldnt help myself :p
i guess i miss metal music a bit, even my favorite music huh ;)

this one i understand least.
mainly what i understand is mustard affects the uncovered parts and edges. its bit random

either cover parts and leave others creating a pattern OR etch using the vapor (in a closed container of course)

nailpolish actually helped create patina very dark around its borders (which by turn was edge of mustard) and the middle created random patches of patina

4 Bleach

that was really hard to photograph because it remained very shiney

pretty much the parts that actually got affected (in noticeable manner) are the sticker, nailpolish parts, parts above liquid surface and the part at the surface.
so air is the catalyst. vapor does the etch like Rudy said

5 Lemon

slightly dark patina
very dark lines at the surface

stickers were useless
nailpolish protected the center on a side, not so efficient on the other, around its edges it got really dark etch aswell.

patina is smoother on the 800g side

all in all i dont find it very interesting finish.

leaving these outside in the sun did speed up the etching greatly

stickers were mostly ineffective or ruined their area, not sure if better stickers would do the trick or not

i wonder what these materials would do if boiled with steel inside...
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