Polishing my planer blade knife

Am half tempted to make a friction folder just to try it. It sure is becoming very clear that I picked the right forum to join. Every one has been positive on the critique and loaded with info and tips. Alot of it may be to stop with the hard way. Lol In another thread rhinoknives suggeted I try using a CPM-D2 steel.
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Wall e, When iasked a certain GREAT in knife making how to price my knives? He said, Sell each knife for enough to cover making three more and get a coffee can to put that money in. I listened for once in my life and soon had enough $$ to upgrade to a www,cootebeltgrinder.com and that was the trick that got me to that next level!

A real 2 x 72" grinder and belts made all the difference in the world!
Thanks rhino. Consodering the only major cost in the spare time knife making for me is the epoxy and sand paper the price I just gave a friend should be a bit low, 25.00 but is to a friend so Im not going to lose sleep over it being such a cheap price. Lol
Heres an update on grampas knife after he reviewed it thinking its for some one else.

Heres my swirlys to get rid of
So gave up on the reflective finish and went for clean and sharp. thanks to all who helped my nieve self not try to cheat myself the learning experience. Patience paid off and now is a smooth clean and shaving sharp knife. Pics tomorrow.
On the next one, You want to do all of your finish work on the blade first, Then tape it up and put the rest of it together.
So true rhino. I just mocked it up and checked fit and how it all would look when assembled and its good and bad. Took it all apart and spent a half hr with the wore out 100 grit belt getting the swirls and scratches out from the dremel drum attempted polish. Looks better now and im happy with the smooth shimmery shine it has. So now is time to polish the guard and work on the handle before assembly this afternoon. My big mental issue is wanting to make it flashy to appeal to his warhoop side as he calls it. He likes shiny, flashy, knives. Am thinking of inlaying a mother of pearl piece as well as some silver wire around the family brand carved from a small chunk of brass.
Wow John Doyle, you are good man!!! Take this great offer wall E, sounds like a great way to build a relationship.

Just got this message from the owner of my first actual hunting type knife
"hay Walter i used your knife it was on a buffalo it worked very well i used it to skin gut and part of the quartering of the animal lasted well and it cut the hair on the animal just fine. did requaire sharping after that but then used it on a small deer and worked grate thanks for the traid ---you can use this for advertizing on social media Duke H."
This was before I actually beveled and sharpened the blades because I had the thought that the new owner should sharpen their new knife to their own preference. My grandfather informed me that was ok but, when some one picks up a new knife and it will shave the hair off your arm w almost no effort thats a better wow factor.
Here is the planer blade knife at the moment. Friday am getting finer grit paper to.finish the blade.

Is my first actual fancy tool. So is not perfect but is so friggin sharp that it cut my strop half way through just with the light pressure and the angle being wrong for stropping. Am learning the hardway on some things.
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This is a sentimental project that I am doing for my grandfather and I know now that there is no easy way to do things and achieve the sense of accomplishment to be proud of. The hardened steel and hrs spent working on it I could have completed 3 knives probably. It is something I felt the need to do for a man who has taught me so much in 38yrs that I remember.
Here is the reflection as of 2250 last night.
Looking better - I would think it would be a lot easier to do that without the handle and guard in place. You could have also annealed it to work on if you plan on heat treating it again.
In the future I am going to attempt ht and annealing but currently I dont have the tools or knowledge on ht these. And looking bacn I did rush the assembly and epoxy before the blade was polished. Is a BIG NEVER DO AGAIN. LOL