I'm like a youngun,a week before Christmas.

Calvin Robinson

Moderator Christian Forum
Our spring turkey season opens next weekend with a youth season,I'm taking my 13 year old grandson with me. He killed his first deer this year,I hope he can get a turkey.
I hope he can get one too! Spring goober is a ways off here in Pa. Been so cold and snowy this year I can't wait to get after them groundhogs, that's my favorite type of hunt. A hot sunny afternoon in the clover fields, doesn't get too much better. I have 200 22-250 bullets just waiting. Good lunch too you, bet it's fun teaching a young one.

I hope he can get one too! Spring goober is a ways off here in Pa. Been so cold and snowy this year I can't wait to get after them groundhogs, that's my favorite type of hunt. A hot sunny afternoon in the clover fields, doesn't get too much better. I have 200 22-250 bullets just waiting. Good lunch too you, bet it's fun teaching a young one.


Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha! We'll have a good lunch I'm sure,maybe Spring goober sandwiches.:biggrin:
Did he ever get that turkey?

The youth hunt is this coming weekend. We will be in the woods before daylight Saturday morning listening for them to gobble so we can figure out their location then try to sneak to within 200 yds. or so in order to hide and try to call one to us.:biggrin:
Well the weekend finaly got here. We went hunting but didn't get a bird. It's hard to compete with the real thing but we sure had a good time.
We did kill a little rattler though. Blake is 5'11" tall so this snake is probably about 5' long. Kinda small for a Florida rattler but still a good one.


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Oh yeah it is definitely warm enough to bring em out in droves! Actually some real pretty white meat there if you can get past snake, and think, skinny long chicken!
I had one that was six foot three in all, minus the head and the rattle and my wife actually refused to let me put it in her fridge. I think her actual words were................. well probably can't repeat that!
I hung an arrow feather sticking out of my quiver several years ago on a tree branch and it held me at bay for several minutes, I was standing looking for that rattler under my feet, scared to move. When I finally realized it was the feather hung in the tree branch all the woods critters probably thought I was krazy because I began to laugh uncontrollably, partly at my situation and partly cause I was glad it truly wasn't a rattler.
That boy will be ready next trip out and maybe the Gobbler hunting will be better than the rattlesnake hunting! Good to see boy and Grandpa in the the woods together. There are so many bad things out there these days and I always say a kid the is interested in the woods ain't got time to get into anything else!!

Calvin, I got to thinking how that may have sounded and being that he is your Grandson, I am sure he already has that guidance. What I was trying to elude to is the fact I think it is such a shame that we are growing up a generation that will never know about the woods and hunting and fishing like it was when I was a child! There are a lot of life lessons that can be learned when communing with nature, and you will never be closer to God when you see his wonders of nature first hand!
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Sorry you didn't get a bird Calvin, it's still nice being in the woods though, especially with someone somewhat new to that scene.I cooked up a 6 footer once, it was as tough as a tire. the little ones always came out good though.
I also keep all their fangs and keep them in a jar, don't ask me why, some kind of cool factor I guess.
Rain bird

I got my opening day turkey in the pouring rain at 5:00 pm Saturday.
I had called one up that morning and couldn't get a shot so I went back to the same place that afternoon and as soon as I got set up it started raining but I called this one and his twin up during the rain,they never gobbled.


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Nice job on the rattler, we have them in our wood pile up at our camp in Tioga Co. Man those things scare me when your reaching for some firewood, I blast em too!

Well,at 7:05 this morning,this old rascal came into the swamp to meet his girl friend. Well the only thing wrong was,it was me,not his girlfriend. I turned out his lights at 19 yards.
20.5 lbs.,10.5" beard,7/8" spurs.
He will be the guest of honor at our Easter dinner.:biggrin:


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Poor little guy all he was looking for was a little love. Your a real heart breaker Calvin

He dose look delicious, good hunting. There was talk about reintroducing wild turkey here in NS, but nothing ever happened.