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  1. R

    Copper Dagger

    I wonder if you had a deep etch on a piece of Damascus (say a extra 5 min longer than your standard etch) in clean ferric then dipped it in your copper ferric if the copper would plate to it then wipe it off the high spots leaving copper over the etched areas? So instead of having dark spots you...
  2. R

    Copper Dagger

    Man that is really nice. I don't know how I missed this. The handle material and finish all compliment each other. A fantastic piece of functional art.
  3. R

    First attempt at a slipjoint

    I went thru the knives emporium and seen you on there. Can't wait to see the next couple of slippies you make. Hope all is well Keith.
  4. R

    First attempt at a slipjoint

    I think they look great Keith. Don't be so hard on yourself. Looks like your own your way
  5. R

    Slim dagger with mammoth

    There will be many, many more. This is my 24th folder
  6. R

    Slim dagger with mammoth

    Thanks guys. If I make another one of these it will have to have a thumbdisk. Great thing about being a new knife maker, every knife is a prototype
  7. R

    Slim dagger with mammoth

    Hand rubbed Cpm D2 blade Blade 3 and 1/4 inches Overall 7 1/2 inches Closed 4 1/4 inches Handle material is mammoth and random pattern Damascus bolsters Filed worked back strap and jeweled and anodized liners Custom made thumb stud with mammoth inlay This little dagger will be headed to...
  8. R

    Fossil Walrus integral with bronze.

    I dig it. Very unique. The Damascus looks great
  9. R

    Freakzilla framelock

    Thanks Keith, hope all is well brother
  10. R

    Freakzilla framelock

    Thanks for the compliments everyone. Bruce I have noticed the same thing. A lot of fantastic knives here but not many comments.
  11. R

    Freakzilla framelock

    Blade s35v 60-61 Rc .125 thick Blade length is 3 1/8 closed length 4 3/16 overall length 7 1/4 Acid washed and tumble finished Stainless and heat colored hardware Lscf bolster and black/grey g10 textured Textured back strap and acid washed 154cm Custom heat colored thumb studs Textured...
  12. R

    Fresh off the bench

    Thank you Larry. These pics are with a iPhone. It's much better looking in person.
  13. R

    Fresh off the bench

    Thanks guys. Ill post them as I make them
  14. R

    Fresh off the bench

    Random pattern blade, bolsters and back strap 1095 Handle material is is blue green bark mammoth 3 1/2 inch blade 4 1/2 inch closed Overall 7 3/4 inch Thickness .125 Jeweled file worked anodized liners and heat colored Damascus file worked back strap. Custom thumb stud with blue mammoth...
  15. R

    MOP Linerlock by Steve Hostetler

    Great looking knife at a great price. I love pearl but I haven't seen it used in a while.
  16. R

    Assault knife!

    Looks like a first strike blade. Anything symmetrical is a tough pain to get right but the results are well worth it. Looking good Mr. Haas
  17. R

    What a surprise...Thank you,to Robert Carter

    Just glad to help Keith. We all want to see pictures of what you make out of it. Ill be around, shoot me a txt or a call every now and then.
  18. R

    Custom order tanto

    There's a lot of diff colors that would have been a better choice. I could have green anodized the bolsters but he was very specific. I would have liked it with bead blasted bolsters and bead blasted ti clip and a crazy textured back spacer but it still turned out pretty sweet.
  19. R

    Custom order tanto

    It's just the way the light was catching it. It does look like it In the pics though. Thanks for checking it out.
  20. R

    Custom order tanto

    Blade 3 5/8 of Rob Thomas stainless raindrop Damascus .195 thick Closed 4 3/4 Overall 8 1/2 Custom Damascus clip and thumb disk Toxic green and black carbon fiber and g10 scales Titanium bolsters are orange peeled and purple anodized File worked and anodized back strap Jeweled and...