Working on a billet of Feather.

James Puckett

Active Member
I have the billet drawn out on it's side to 68 layers. My first question is how many layers gives the best look. My second question is when I get the layer count to where I want it then what? I think I am to cut the handle off and weld it on the side of the billet. fut down the center of the billet almost all the way then weld back together and draw out. Is that correct?
I have never made it but from the videos I have seen that would be correct. I personally think the higher layer count feathers look better.
Hi James,
This is a difficult pattern but possible. I did this WIP a couple years ago. You may have already seen it but look again.

This billet had 32 layers and was almost too fine. Its not necessary to build so many layers I've found out if you can just get some nice "Ws" to about 20 layers I think they make a great feather pattern. It saves steel that way too for a bigger blade and doesn't take so long.
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