What a week!

HHH Knives

Super Moderator
This has been a rough week. I have to vent a little. You have been warned. you can turn back now.. or continue reading!

I am gona be out of commission for at least a couple weeks!

First part of the this week. I was gluing up some spacer materials, Using super thin CA glue. I was making one spacer with 7 different pieces of ultra thin materials. Anyways, My finger got STUCK to one side of the materials, As they often do. :) As I pulled my finger off It opened up the spacers. then when the glue or the skin on my finger gave way, The spacer materials slammed shut, Shooting a small amount of CRAZY GLUE into my eye! So after a trip to ER, and the pharmacy. My eye is healing well. Thank God.
I always wear safety glasses, I had mine on when this happened. But they were resting on the top of my head an not protecting my eye! New rule is to ALWAYS, no matter what we are doing in the shop, To have safety glasses on. I will be enforcing it with Jr. and he is gona keep me in check as well!

Then, yesterday about 9:00 PM I was standing and leaned forward to grab something off the bench. when I felt and heard the worst sound ever, It was a pop/ripping sound followed by intense pain in my calf!! I almost fell right on my face.
I have never felt or heard anything quite like this. I was scared as I sat down to take inventory of what just happened to my calf. And if I could move everything etc. Everything seems to move OK but it HURT something terrible if I walked on it. or moved it just right

After another trip to ER this morning, Yep. Its torn They call it a gastrocnemius tear. Which equates to in English. its torn really good! lol There is not much that the doctor can do. Wrap it and alternate hot and cold, stretch it out often and wait for it to heal.

It looks like Im gona be out of the shop for a week or two. (Yet in the big picture, Im happy its no surgery required to repair only time to heal and some stretching etc.)

Anyone with a custom knife order on my books, I apologize that there will be a even longer wait time as I have to let this heal or I risk long term damage. Anyone with a damascus order. Jr is gona be working on them and they should be on schedule.

Thanks for letting me vent a little and ask for some prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

God Bless
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What are you complaining about? Sounds like a typical week in my Shop!:biggrin:

Just kidding! Sorry your are layed up! Use the time to catch up on some reading or trace out some new knife patterns etc..

You can never be to careful about protecting your eye's.
I keep extra sets of safety glasses by the entry into the knife shop part of store. Anyone that I gave the .50 cent shop tour too or anyone that I am showing them something in the shop has to wear them even if there is no machinery running!

Heal up fast!


Lmao, Thanks Laurence. Im a little better today. still hurting, but my mindset is way more positive today. Thanks guys!
C'mon snap out of it lol, weres the wheel chair i am sure it will fit next to the grinder, i got faith brother you will be grinding when no ones looking lol get well heal fast i am having withdrawls of my hhh pics!!!!!!!