Texas Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill to Senate Criminal Justice Committee CALL & EMAIL


Well-Known Member
The bill repealing the irrational and antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives in Texas that passed the House 141-1, HB1862, has moved on to the Texas Senate where it is assigned to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee. Please CALL and EMAIL each member of the committee individually and ask them to vote YES on HB1862 when it is before them.

See below for Committee Member phone numbers and email addresses.

The Texas Knife Law Preemption bill, HB1299, died on the House floor last night without a vote. Scheduled last on the agenda, it was never voted on by the deadline. We are still committed to passing Knife Law Preemption in Texas. Stay tuned!

Senator John Whitmire - Chairman: 512-463-0115 john.whitmire@senate.state.tx.us
Senator Joan Huffman - Vice Chairman: 512-463-0117 joan.huffman@senate.state.tx.us
Senator John Carona: 512-463-0116 john.carona@senate.state.tx.us
Senator Juan Hinojosa: 512-63-0120 juan.hinojosa@senate.state.tx.us
Senator Dan Patrick: 512-463-0107 dan.patrick@senate.state.tx.us
Senator Jose Rodriguez: 512-463-0129 jose.rodriguez@senate.state.tx.us
Senator Charles Schwertner: 512-463-0105 charles.schwertner@senate.state.tx.us

When you call and email, keep it polite, short and to the point. Simply ask the Senator to please vote Yes on HB1299.