straight minwax, or dilute w/ acetone?


Well-Known Member
I've got some spalted mesquite that's soft and a bit spongy, but the colors are superb. I'm thinking of trying the minwax wood hardener. Should I use it straight, or thin it with acetone or something?
Just a word of advice....Minwax wood hardener is not waterproof! I tried it a couple of years ago when I was messing with stabilizing my own wood. I ran it through the pot, then set it outside on our picnic table....then forgot about it when I closed up shop that evening. We got a heavy dew that night, and the next morning I remembered the wood. It was "milky" all over......and upon cutting into it....all the way through. I tried an experiment afterward with another piece I'd stabilized using Minwax..... After a week of drying, I wrapped the block in a DAMP rag and left it overnight. The next morning it was milky all the way through! No more Minwax wood hardener for me.
Acryloid B-72 is much better than the Minwax; either with pulling a vacuum or as a soak.
Where can you get the Acryloid-72? Thats very good to know ion the Minwax! Ive used it for some time. Will look long and hard at it now.

Thanks Again!

God Bless