Stabilized bone vs UV damage.


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am wanting to use some dyed stabilized bone for a couple of knife handles and wonder about UV damage. I already have the stabilized bones (wildebeast) but didn't think to ask before buying them about UV resistance.
I contacted the seller and inquired as to what resin they were stabilized with and explained my concerns.. If I know the resin I can do the research and find out. They referred me to their supplier and I've sent them two Emails in the last week+ and no reply.
Does anyone out there have any experience with stabilized bone and what resin is probably used. These were professionally stabilized not, home done.
If I have to coat them with a UV resistant coating I will, but would rather not.
Any advice or information would be appreciated.

EDIT-They finally contacted me and the resin used is not UV resistant.
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