sp00kedd out in SLC



Hey guys I'm new to this forum as posted in Aldo sub forum. I've been tryin to get my lazy butt into knife making recently. I've been a collecter my whole life. Until a couple months ago I bought a bushcraft knife from a knife maker here in Utah named Walter Davis, he's a good guy gave me some great info. I'm really stoked to start making knives. I'm more leaning onto the bar stock removal method due to no forge. But until I get some metal in my eager hands I'm leanin on my new 32$ empty vise with files in my hand. So another hey to all the dogs out there! Sp00kedd
Hello and welcome! Lots of good info here to get you started.

We were just in Tooele on a job - pretty country.

Nice man Tooele is pretty cool man but you gotta see the high Uintas, its my second home, I backpack up in those black bear ridden beautiful mountains nearly every weekend in the summer. My goal (next to knife making) is to hike up to the top of Kings Peak next summer. I gotta get into more shape its sittin up there at 14K feet. Cya later sp00kedd
Hey Spooked. Whats Up??
I live in Roosevelt so were not to far away. I used to spend a ton of time in the High Uintahs. I have been on the very tip top of Kings Peak. That was a long time ago, about 16 years ago. I would love to go back. Welcome aboard and if your ever in the nieghborhood look me up.