small warncliff


Well-Known Member
Small neck/boot knife from a file. 2 1/4 in modified warncliff cutting edge, about 5 in overall, black micarta scales, blue spacers, 3/16 lanyard hole, highlighted with a wire rap sanded smooth.

I don't know if the wire rap was a good idea and I can't decide if I like it. What do you think?

I know it's something I should worry about, but will it really effect the usability? I think there is a VERY small warp in the steel that I didn't get corrected just perfectly....At the very corner tip on the right side top, the spacer/micarta has seperated from the steel. It's so small I don't know If I can fix it. But you can see light through it if you hold it up to a light. I might try a syringe and some epoxy just to fill the paper thin gap. Any other suggestions?

neat little knife, with the gap on the hadle you could try using some runny CA glue i prefer loctite super glue myself but lot's of other's work. that wire wrap looks good i think it offsets the handle nicely.
I might try some super glue and thanks. The real issue is that it's only the corner right on the V. Anywhere else and it wouldn't be noticeable. Oh well, gotta see If I can find a syringe. They don't sell those at :les: