Sheath making area in your shop.

Meridian Blades

Moderator - Knife Maker
Anyone have pics of the shop area they use to make sheaths? Seperate spot in the shop? I am trying to get ideas of how this will look, and be organized. Thanks Larry
If its going to be in your shop, it should be a separate room that is closed off from the rest of the shop to avoid dust and dirt.

I end up doing most of my leather work at the kitchen table and the wife is so appreciative of that. :nothing:
HAHAHA.....Mike believe it or not I have been warned about kitchen table sheath making as well. I have a small room in the basement that might work for a "clean" space to do sheaths. Right now its an old office area, but I was thinking work bench, small 4 x 36 and so on. Trying to get ideas from pics of others set ups to see how it might look. Thanks for the input. -Larry
I do it in my office(room). I have a separate old bedroom with my computer and items from work that I use. I have an old oak desk and on it have a marble cutout that is 18 by 32 inches. Makes a nice surface to tool on and the old secretary slide outs make a nice area with protection to mark and cut out the leather pieces. I even clamp my Tippman on the slide out to sew them up.
This is my area the table is an old packing table I keep my dyes and glue in the top and tools in the drawers the only draw back is light. I have another table to the left I use for dyeing, drying and cutting large peaces. I picked up a piece of 1/2" poly white 2'/2' it's what they make cutting boards out of.
hope this helps
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Angie does 99% of the leatherwork for me, all I do is poke holes on the dedicated handle material drillpress (no oil or steel chips) and smooth out the edges with a clean belt. Our sheath area isn't in the shop at all, it's in a corner of our bedroom. Much easier to keep clean that way. I'll post a pic when I get a round tuit. ;)
Thanks guys that helps. Doug I think I used to have a desk kinda like that a long time ago. Cliff looks real nice and spacious. I like your idea of having a seperate area for dyeing.
