Reversing Rotation On DC motors


Well-Known Member
I have a Bader B111, with a variable speed DC motor and would like a reversing switch. I know to change directions you just switch two wires around in the controller, at least according to the wiring diagram on the motor. My question is, what type of switch would be used to do this anytime you want to go in reverse? And how to wire it? Bader sells the switch and instructions, but it is $150.00, a bit pricey for me.
I use these on motors all the time, AC and DC. They are simple to wire and have never had one to burn up. LINK
Switch, Drum Reversing
Electrical > Starters and Contactors > Manual Motor Switches and Starters

Drum Reversing Switch, Power Rating @ 230 VAC Single Phase 2 HP, Power Rating @ 115 VAC Single Phase 1 1/2 HP, Power Rating @ 230 VDC 1/4 HP, Length 4 1/2 Inches, Depth 4 Inches, Width 2 1/4 Inches, Reversing
Grainger Item # 2X440
Price (ea.) $54.30
Mfr. Model # 2X440
Ship Qty. 1
Sell Qty. (Will-Call) 1
Ship Weight (lbs.) 1.25
Usually Ships** Today
Catalog Page No. 264
Country of Origin
(Country of Origin is subject to change.) USA
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Thanks JatMat, I guess you would run the wires from the motor into the switch and the 2 wires from the controller into the switch also. the ones from the controller would be the line wires and the motor would be load. Is this correct? Sure looks like it would work.
I know to change directions you just switch two wires around in the controller, at least according to the wiring diagram on the motor.

What type of switch would be used to do this anytime you want to go in reverse?

And how to wire it?

The drum switch would work, but is physically kind of huge.

You can use a Double Pole Double Throw switch DPDT and install it in in your controller box.
There is likely a hole pre-punched for it..


Something like this, but I would try for a MUCH heavier didn't mention what HP your motor is

Ensure the switch is rated for more current than the motor, or you will have to change switches often.
motor ratings are different from other load types.
Since these are fairly cheap, that should be no problem finding a better switch at a reasonable price.

These boots on the switch will help keep the metal dust out of the controller and switch.
[ame=""] Rubber Boot For Heavy Duty Toggle Switch: Electronics[/ame]


Actuator =motor
supply = the 2 wires in the controller that go to the motor.

The red and blue lines are wires.
You have to install jumper wires that criss cross from corner terminal to corner terminal-that's what takes the place of "swapping terminals"

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According to that description, the switch is momentary, which means it has to be held into position or it returns to center. The drum switch is large and will take heavy amperage switching. I burned around twenty of the toggles on hydraulic lift gates for my delivery trucks before installing the drums. Never had to change another one.
Thank you 12345678910, that is what I was really looking for, there is a knokout in the box for such a switch, it's marked forward, to the top, brake in the middle, reverse on the bottom.
Thanks again, Dale
According to that description, the switch is momentary, which means it has to be held into position or it returns to center.

The drum switch is large and will take heavy amperage switching. I burned around twenty of the toggles on hydraulic lift gates for my delivery trucks before installing the drums. Never had to change another one.

Oops you are right.

You DON'T want momentary.
I removed that link, but the photos are still valid

If he gets the correct switch with a sufficient rating, I expect it will last a while.

It won't go through as many cycles as your lift-gate switches and will fit into his controller box.
(probably a KB electronics one by his dexcription)
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Thanks for the new link 12345678910. My controller & motor are both Baldor, the motor is 180 volts DC, and 7 amps. so this switch looks like it would be heavy enough to me. Sure is a long way from the $150.00 that Bader wants for it and the rubber boot.
Thanks guys, Dale