quick dog run story


So we had someone new out on their first dug mushing trip with a friend of ours who is young but pretty experienced with dogs. They went pretty far - about ten miles- and were on their way back. It was dark by now - cloudy and no moonlight. Not too far out of town our friend, the musher fell off the sled somehow. It happens. you're always taught that if you fall over you hang on, even if the dogs drag you. I know this person is tough and has had to do that before, so I don't know how they lost the team. Anyway the new person was riding in the basket alone with the dogs still pulling her. Then after a few minutes she was thrown out, too and the dogs kept running. So she's out there alone in the dark, not sure which way to go. When your new you don't really have that instinct yet to just follow the trail home and that's how someone will find you. Also, there's lots of talk about wolves near the village lately. So the experienced musher's about a mile back and the "new" person is by herself out in the dark on the snow machine trail. The musher's dad comes out looking for them and realizes the dogs are out by themselves. He drives up to the new person out there by herself and and says, "Nice parka." and drives off to make sure the dogs are ok. I love Alaska.
it's just classic.

in this musher's dad's mind she was ok. but i know in hers she must have been pretty scared. it'll be a story she'll have for a long time.