Question for the sheath makers


Designated Dog Photo Chopper
I have 2 sheaths for bali's. One made by Paul Long and the other by G2.

The sheath made by G2 is getting a little hard. No big deal, but if I don't catch it now I am afraid it will get bad and crack.

So, what do you suggest I use on the leather to condition it ?

I've heard people swear by Lexol, I've heard people swear by Pecard's, I've heard people swear by Aussie's Leather Conditioner, etc.

Everyone has their favorite. I usually just rub a little extra virgin olive oil on with my fingers, let it soak in, and check the leather for flexibility, and do more coats as needed. Don't use a sponge or rag, because you'll probably get too much oil on it and end up with too soft of a sheath. I don't have any experience with the plethora of other well-respected methods, but I'm sure others will chime in with that.

My sheath is finished with neatsfoot oil, then a sealer and then a top sealer ( lacquer based). When the sheath is used enough to wear off the top coat, then
You could apply a very light coat of neatsfoot oil, or you could use any of the commercial applications such as Lexol, and a host of others. The key is use sparingly as Noah suggests.

Now the sheath of most concern. I'd recommend you contact Gary Graley and see what he says, and follow his suggestions. I don't know what his finish process is.

Thanks for the replies gentleman. Mr. Long, the sheath I have from you is still like new. The G2 sheath is fitted for a Bali and locks in. I don't want to over condition and make it to soft then the 42 won't lock in place. I wil contact Gary and see what he says.
I would try some Lexol or Aussie's lightly to get it a little softer. neatsfoot may make it too soft to lock in. Different brands of leather acts different so you need to go slow.
Looks like you have had some great answers. I usually use the neatsfoot oil and haven't used the other ones mentioned.