name some wood that is becoming rare


Well-Known Member
wood that is becoming hard to get--atleast nice specimens. my vote:
1.desert ironwood
3.african blackwood
. anyone agree or disagree---have some to add, just curious--thankz-marekz:rolleyes:
Desert Ironwood burl is very hard to come by. Desert Ironwood is drying up but the burl is nearly gone - at least in a quantity.
Real Lignum Vitae is tough to find, nice Desert Ironwood is another one. One I reallly like but can rarely find nice specimens of is Pink Ivory wood from Africa. The few pieces I can find are really plain with little to no figure.

African Blackwood is on its way out unless conservation efforts are SERIOUSLY upped. Carvers use a lot, other woodworkers a little, but the real culprit is the musical instrument industry. Not sure the demise of a remarkable species of tree is worth having clarinet or oboe music, which is usually pretty good if you don't think about the cost.