Ln2 storage


I have been looking to do ss when I get back in the shop. I have seen what people cryo with and how some people are storing it. My question is;

When I get a dwar and I go to store it would a small chest freezer work to keep the Ln2 longer?

Around here people sell the small chest freezers (Usually & cubic feet) for $50. I didn't think this was a bad price and knowing that they get very cold and seal well I was hopeful that someone had tried this and I could get feed back.

Please give all the feed back you want. I welcome it and am thankful for it.

I have never seen it stored within a freezer. We make or put insulated blankets on them to keep it longer. One issue is I know they need to be vented or they build up pressure.
I am thinking it would keep a bit longer but it's hard to say if the electricity charge would be less than the slower evaporation rate.