Knife for NYC Fire Fighter; Engraved and Finished


Well-Known Member
I started a thread about a month ago on a knife I made for a NYC Firefighter . This is the continuation..

The long short is , I met Jim on a hunt in Illinois last Nov. He got a look at one of my knives my friend was using and wanted me to make him one.

After talking to Jim , I found out that he has been with the FDNY since 1985 and was right in the middle of 911. What this man went through that terrible day was unimaginable. I tip my hat to this brave man and to so many other brave men and women that fight to keep our city safe every day.

So in closing , I wanted to do something a little more special just to show my appreciation .

I made Jim this knife and had it engraved by our very own Doug Sutherland , who has done a FANTASTIC ! job. I had Doug put the FDNY and his initials JD85 on the bolsters( The 85 is the year he became a firefighter ) as a gift from me to him.

So to you Jim D, Thank you for this opportunity.

Sorry for so many pics but Im proud of this one ..

Thanks for looking ..



Wow Mikey that came out fantastic. A real prized possession and tribute to a fine patriot who deserves something special like that- way to go.
Thanks guys , this one does make me feel good. I think it's pretty nice to give a little back now and again.. It's not much, but it I feel good about it.
backtines I'm not a firefighter but I fight with my wife a lot. Does that qualify me for a knife? KT :s12137:
Thanks again gents , it always means a lot getting nice words from you guys.. Hey Doug, thanks for doing a great job..