Kansas Legislature Passes Knife Law Preemption Fix - CALL or EMAIL Governor Brownback


Well-Known Member
In the waning hours of its 2014 legislative session on Saturday the Kansas House passed HB 2578 by a vote of 102-19. It passed in the state Senate the day prior by a 37-2 vote. HB2578 includes Knife Rights' fix to address the Attorney General's adverse, and questionable, opinion that the preemption language in Knife Rights' Comprehensive Knife Reform bill passed last year did not repeal existing laws more restrictive than state law. HB2578 now moves to the Governor for his consideration.

If you live, work or travel in Kansas, please CALL or EMAIL Governor Sam Brownback and ask him to sign HB2578.

Phone: (Toll Free) 1-877-579-6757 or 785-296-3232 or or e-mail him here.

Whether writing or calling, all that is necessary is to simply ask the Governor to sign HB 2578. That's it, keep it short and to the point.