Just in from the Coast


New Member
Just stumbled into this site from the Pacific Coast, thanks to Les George Knives.
Long standing Knife Nut, been working through the 12 Step Knife Collecting Recovery Program, but have relapsed to custom knives - Mayos, Kreins, Terzuolas, Emerson's and Georges when I can find them.
Folders mostly (but not the Kreins or Carters). I have a presence on other Knife sites, Blade Forums and USN mostly.
Two things I have found that endure are: 1) Your taste in knives constantly changes and 2) You gotta pay to learn !
I look forward to broadening my exposure through exposure to this site.
Larry (Harleymon)
Welcome to the pack here at KD's.
I am a little south of your in Santa Monica and when people tell me about their habit, I just laugh and say, LOL
Why do you think I became a knife maker and own a sharpening and cutlery store? I get to play with knives all day!

