Ivory Ban Update: Coalition Letter to FWS & Congress - Call or Email TODAY!


Well-Known Member
A coalition letter opposing the Ivory Ban was sent today to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Daniel Ashe from 31 organizations representing a wide variety of impacted communities opposed to the ivory ban. As one of the founders of the coalition, Knife Rights was honored to be joined on the letter by the Custom Knife Collectors Association, the National Knife Collectors Association, the Professional Knifemakers Association, The Knifemakers' Guild as well as the industry's American Knife & Tool Institute. You can read this letter here: www.kniferights.org/Ivory_Coalition_Letter_4.4.14.pdf

The purpose of this letter was to put the Administration, the Fish and Wildlife Service and the House Appropriations Committee, as well as Members of Congress, on notice that this ivory ban will adversely affect a large number of Americans.

Please contact your Representative and Senators and let them know you oppose the Administration's new total ban on commercial sale and trade of pre-ban ivory that unfairly impacts millions of law-abiding Americans and which they have not shown will have any effect on poaching or the trade in illegal ivory.

You can find your Representative here: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
You can find your Senators here: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

The next step in our coalition strategy is for each of the impacted communities to present FWS with their own letter, which can be more specific in the nature of the adverse impact to that community. This will further emphasize the widespread negative effects this ban will have on Americans. Knife Rights, as the representative on the coalition for the grassroots knife community, is sending out a knife-centric letter to the many national, state and local knife organizations to endorse.

This is going to be a tough fight; the supporters of this irrational and unfair ban are well-organized and well-financed. However, if we all pull together, we have a chance to beat this. Start by calling or emailing Congress TODAY!
Doug, Thanks for the update and your work on this. Email sent and phone calls will follow.

God Bless
Just called Mr Don Young and left a mess ,I expect him to back us ! This is got me mad mad mad,I'm a scrimshander and a knife maker.I see this as one more way for oboma to put more out of work in the drive to make us all dependent on the gov......Sorry it's been a long winter.