I just received a large sawmill bandsaw blade....{ 15n20 ]....and it has a pretty good coating of surface rust...it is like 12 in wide by 40 feet long


Well-Known Member
something happened.....so I cut it into 4 ft pieces....what is a good way o get the rust off without grinding it....I was thinking sand blasting...or is there a good solvent I can use....i am going to use it in my damascus so i want it to be clean as possible of course
Check out todays post "how to clean up the rust without grinding" using Electrolysis to remove rust. Easy to do and a YT video. Also instructables online.
Not many replies to your post - I guess most folks are like me, jealous of your find :) You got a lifetime supply of 15N20 steel - congrats. Unless the rust is pretty heavy I wouldn't worry to much about it. When you clean the steel for Damascus strips you'll be grinding anyway. If the rust is heavy enough to cause pits you'll need to grind enough to remove the pits. A very light dusting with sandblasting should be a good solution.

Have you measured the thickness of the blade yet?
sorry KEN ihave been busy.....the blade is about 1/16 in thick....my caliper needs a battery......guess what.....I taught a class yesterday and one of the students works in a sawmill in a town a couple of hours away that still uses those big bands......looks like I may be getting more....and they won't be rusty