Hey from Afghanistan.


New Member
Hey, guys.
Figured I'd introduce myself right quick. Presently deployed (OEF) Cannon crewmember with the US Army. Lover of all things that shoot, stab or cut. Married to a lovely lady with only a slightly smaller interest in knife collecting than I. I've yet to branch into making my own knives, other than putting a handle on an ancient hawkbill blade inherited from my Grandfather, though I've been thinking about rigging up a forge out here for amusement.
Don't have a very large collection, only ones of interest are an older Kabar my father gave me and a Surefire EW-06. Looking into buying a Microtech with deployment funds, though. I'm orienting my collection towards quality, rather than numbers, and being a soldier means discretionary funds aren't exactly high.
Well, I'm glad to be here, and wish a good day for anybody reading.
thanks for your service and good hunting..
Welcome to KD. Hopefully your internet access allows you to stop by often.
Welcome to Knife Dogs!

Just did a short civilian gig in the Phoenix AO via RC North/BAF myself. I wanted to grab a couple springs off of some old Russian trucks while I was there but the mine field got in the way...would have made a great keepsake knife.

Thanks for your service!

Welcome to the pack brother. Hope all is well down range and you have the opportunity to visit with us often. If all goes well, I'll be heading your direction in the not too distant future. Waiting to see what changes Big Army makes with the new staffing plan.
Welcome to the Pack!
I don't know how much you mix with the locals "Good Guy Ones" there but a Good way to possible win hearts & Minds would be to find the local forger/ Blacksmith and have him teach you somethings and you share what you can with him about knives Maybe bring him some metal? or Handle material etc..

They are masters of take any old truck spring etc.. and make a Kinjal or dagger or kitchen knife out of it!

And let me Thank You for your Service and stay safe out there!

Welcome. I'm retired military, 4 years USMC and 16 years US Army, so if I can be of any help, just shoot me an e-mail. Thanks for your service.