

New Member
No fancy moniker here, just lmelton. Well, to tell the truth, I thought about something like "two blades", "big knife", or even fat man with sharp stick, but, it's just lmelton.

I'm new to this, so I'm sure I'll ask a few fundamental or stupid questions, but I'm here to learn and if y'all be patient with me, I'm sure I can get up to speed in a hurry (no pun intended).

Right now I'm not actually making knifes (you know, sweating over a forge like the dwarfs in Lord of the Rings), but I do love to put a handle on a good knife and finishing it like the shine on fine furniture.

So without further adieu I'll start wandering through the forums.
Welcome LMelton, lots of good folks here to help...what kind of knives did the dwarfs make when not making rings? Probably some kind of sgian-dubh or seax...
Welcome! You will find all kinds of good info on this site, and even better people. What part of the world are you from?
Greetings from another new member. I'm still in that forum wandering stage myself. The amount of info here is almost insurmountable, but some seriously good stuff.