Hello from Indiana


New here and have been lurking for a month. I have read all I could before I start buying my tools.

About me:

I'm 60 and have plans to retire in 2011. I am trying to find ways to occupy my time so I won't become a couch potato! I have had an interest in making knives for years but time/work and kids did not allow this. I have 4 old knives that need to be polished/new handles etc. I figured ruining my cheap knives before starting on a "good" knife would be a better choice. My choice of tools is Ridged 15" floor drill press and a wilton/jet 2x42 w/8" belt/disc sander (model 41002). I have found suppliers for the belts/discs but still need resources for discs to polish (satin/mirror) a blade. Or, should I do it with a belt or do I need felt, sisal wheels or by hand with wet/dry paper?
I plan to find some scrap stainless/brass to practice on before starting on my old knifes then the real thing.

Any links or info appreciated

Welcome to the Knife Dogs..You should be able to find all the info you need right here. If not just ask I am sure some one will answer
Thanks Jeff. I have been searching youtube for any howto videos on sharpening and polishing. I found some really good info.

BTW, my choice for tools on my first post were chosen because the sander has dust ports I can connect to a shop vac I have, and the DP I will build a table for drum sanding that will collect the dust. DUST is my wife's biggest complaint as the shop is in a 8x12 room upstairs.

Thanks Semper!

I have another question for you that make and sell knives and sharpen also. I told another retired friend of mine my idea's and he told me of a guy that did the same and was sued because the person who's knife he sharpened cut himself. His lawyer said the sharpened knife should have come with a warning attached! He had to close his business. Can/does this happen?

While I had my lawn care business I had liability insurance incase my mower thru a blade or stone and hit someone, but having the same insurance for knife making never crossed my mind.
