Hello from Albuquerque


Hello everybody. I have been here a while reading and learning and would like to make an offer.

I will teach you how to brew beer, from fresh grains, in either one or five or ten gallon batches in exchange with help refining my knifemaking skills. One gallon is about 8 beers, five about 42, and ten is about 80, just for perspective.

I live on the west side of Albuquerque, am an oxy-moron in the Air National Guard (Military Intelligence, does it exist?:confused2:) and have a wonderful wife that allows me to have far more hobbies than I should.

Please let me know if you are interested in a knowledge exchange.

Another zymurgist, excellent! You'll get along well with everyone and very, very well with some of us. I've dabbled in homebrewing for years, am a big fan of IPAs, and can credit a lot of good beer for keeping me in a good mood and round in shape. I'm glad to hear you're an all-grain guy as that's where I'm at and am always wanting to improve.

I also think we'll be more than willing to answer any knife questions, regardless! Good to have you on board.
Thanks for the welcome Frank.

I am now experimenting with 1-gallon batches. One of the catalogs I get in the mail has a kit (I have everything in the kit allready, so no need to buy more stuff) for brewing small batches. All I really need to do is get some bottles, but I have everything else. Bottling will be new for me as I jumped right into kegging. 4-taps in the garage in a remodled chest freezer. Typically have an IPA, pale ale, stout and hard apple cider at all times. I rotate Blue Moon clones and black lagers in as I brew them as well.

Going to be interesting to be able to brew a small batch in about 2 hours vice a full batch in 6 or 7.

I like the IPAs as well, but lately I have been drifting more towards Lagers and Pilsners.

I have an Asahai clone in the roster next so we will se how this turns out.


Welcome to the pack here at KDs! I am currently on the water wagon but thank you for your offer and will gladly awnser any of your knife making questions that I can help you with. There are lots of talented folks here that will also gladly help. Ask away!