Greets from a ridiculously spring-like London


New Member
The temperature here is just absurd.... it's almost t-shirt weather... it should be hovering around freezing.

Anyway.... I'm generally packrat or packrat68 on most knifey forums, I run my own too based in the UK which I won't mention by name unless the mods say it's ok. I joined up here partly as I am chasing a Fredrik Haakonsen and found one that was for sale here a while back, though it's not the model I'm after (Survival, if anyone has one they want to shift :) ).

My collection is mainly of what I'd call standard sized fixed blade utilities and I prefer super/exotic steels though also love knives with soul and character that tend to be made by people I know or at least follow, and they tend by their nature to be more down to earth steels.

So things like the KR Rasul, Chen Duty, TRC K-1, Lionsteel M5, Haakonsen Hassel & SERE, Gough Resolute, Survive! 4.1, Busse Terror Monkey... are firm favourites.

Thanks for having me :)
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