Fun with Kirinite


Well, I did a lot of work on my new "zayin" Logo and have something I like. I also have been designing new little necker so that I can prove out some ideas without breaking the bank on materials. I'm sharing my unfinished design from my cad program. It will have radiused edges and fillets where the plunge line is but you can get an idea of the shape.

These are some of the kirinite handles I am making for it since my steel hasn't arrived yet. I'm happy with how they turned out. The kirinite I bought from USAKnifemakers is what you are looking at. This stuff works easy, polishes easy and has a lot of depth to it. The slabs as bought are somewhat disappointing to look at but don't be fooled. When you cut into them they really come to life. The green is the only one without deep highlights yet it has a very pleasing solid look/feel. All of these were merely sanded to 1000 grit and waxed lightly. This stuff buffs real easy on the buffing wheel. Gets real shiny. I kind of like it a little softer looking as shown.

The quarter is there for perspective I have some other kirinite on order but I pleased with the four colors I have so far. Hope to have an actual knife finished this week.

Thanks George. I'm actually machining the logo in. The kirinite cuts very well. Some plastics clog easy and will bust a tiny endmill (1/32) like that. I am loving this Kirinite! I am using compressed air as I cut to keep the tiny chips from building up.