Early Klingon Fighting Stick

Raymond Richard

Forum Owner & Moderator
I first saw this weapon in one of my many Star Trek dreams and decided to see if I could reproduce it. Hard to get exact measurements from a dream so I just did the best I could. The stick is around 20" and the head is 5 1/2" point to point. The head was made from a piece of space junk........


Brilliant. I have a lot of Trekkie friends who would buy one, I'm going to get back into Star Trek now.
Very cool looking battle hatchet What is the total weight on this? It looks like it would throw well.

These are from the early Klingons that Capt. Kirk fought it out with? I liked them a bit better.
They where dirty and really evil! LOL.
tlhIngan Hol: tugh qoH nachDaj je chevlu'ta'

Literal translation: Soon a fool and his head will be separated.

Most appropriate Kilgon phrase for this item.

Very nice!