Deadline Monday, Sept. 28, to Submit Comments Opposing Abusive Federal Ivory Ban


Well-Known Member
Deadline Monday to Submit Comments Opposing Federal Ivory Ban
that Punishes Law-Abiding Americans
Please Submit YOUR Opposition Comment Today!

Comments are due on Monday, September 28, 2015, to oppose the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (FWS) Proposed Rule Change that would implement a domestic ivory ban affecting millions of Americans, including owners of ivory-handled knives and knives with ivory embellishment. With very few very limited exceptions, it would be illegal to buy, sell or trade any ivory or any item with even the smallest bit of ivory included. Not a single elephant will be saved by punishing owners of decades-old perfectly legal ivory that has been in this country since before import bans were implemented in 1990. Practically all the poached ivory goes to China or Asian countries, virtually none of it come to the U.S. (Click here for additional details on the Proposed Rule Change and a link to the published NPRM)

Knife Rights abhors the poaching of all species. The proven solution is to attack poaching at the source, not punish lawful ivory owners in the U.S. who cannot have any effect on poaching in Africa. Successful anti-poaching programs in Africa have demonstrated that an integrated comprehensive approach that encourages the locals to fight poaching does work to save elephants.

Stealing the investments of millions of Americans will not save a single elephant in Africa. This is the worst kind of "Feel Good - Do Bad" government action.

As of Wednesday, Sept. 23, over 1,500 comments have been submitted. Too many are from people who make simplistic and emotional statements about saving elephants or repeat factually unsupported slogans from non-profit organizations making millions of dollars off this campaign to ban ivory. However, many others are thoughtful comments explaining why the proposed rule punishes innocent Americans without doing anything to stop poaching in Africa. We need you to add your voice of reason to those opposing this absurd, abusive and illegal ivory ban.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has broken numerous longstanding laws protecting citizens from administrative overreach and abuse in promulgating this Proposed Rule Change, including blatantly falsifying and misrepresenting data.

CLICK HERE for more details about submitting your own comment
on this abomination of a rule that will only harm honest Americans.

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