Camp Chopper


Well-Known Member
Here is a recent project that I just finished up, as the title says it's a camp chopper. I forged this knife up last week and just got around to finishing it yesterday, but still need to make the sheath for it. The only thing that I dislike about this knife is that the hamon is a bit faded near the choil, the hamon is there but you can only see it when you are looking at the knife up close (so frustrating) but otherwise I am pleased with how this knife turned out and performs, I will post a video later showing its performance. The handle of this knife was a new challenge for me as I haven't done a multi-lamination before but I decided I would give it a shot. The woods I used in this knife are Australian red mallee gum burl, zyrcote, desert ironwood, and Bolivian rosewood. It was a pain trying to get all the angles lined up and to stop sliding, but eventually I got it. This was a fun project and I will post more pictures as it is finished up with the sheath. Let me know what you think!


1084 with hamon
Blade: 8 3/4 inches
Blade width: 1 3/4 inches
Handle length: 6 inches
Overall: 14 3/4 inches

Thanks for looking.

Robert Burns

Okay so I still need a lot of improvement on my leather work but here it is with it's sheath. This was my first inlay and I used stingray skin which dulled about 5 of my exacto knife blades before cutting the pieces I needed...

I'll post the performance video later tonight if I get time. Thanks for looking! All comments and criticisms are welcome.
Thanks for the positive feedback :) Here is the performance video I promised, a bit jumpy in parts, I am definitely not the best camera man...
