An Ugly Duck


Well-Known Member
Now I know that some people will like this knife and some may even say it's pretty, but I just hate I hate it I hate it! Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! Seriously though this one has been kicking around the shop for a few months and needed a handle so I put one on but I'm not happy with it. I think that a knife should have good flow and to me this one just doesn't. But I like it more now then a few minutes ago Anyway the knife isn't done this is just after I got the handle assembled so bear with me on the roughness. The handle is zircote and red mallee figured burl with leather and copper pin. The blade is 250 layers of 15N20 and 1095. I'm considering shortening the handle quite a bit what do you think?

I dont mind it,its not bad the only thing i might change is the upsweap in the back,other then that the looks pretty nice imho