Alaska Gov. Parnell Signs Knife Rights Act Into Law


Well-Known Member
After two years of effort, Alaska Governor Sean Parnell has signed HB33, Alaska's Knife Rights Act, which enacts sweeping reform of Alaska's knife laws. HB33 legalizes the possession, transfer and carrying of automatic knives (switchblades). It also enacts knife law preemption repealing all local knife laws as well as preventing new ones from being enacted. The effective date of HB33 is September 18, 2013.

Knife Rights would like to thank Governor Parnell for recognizing and expanding the rights of everyday Alaskans as well as the millions who visit Alaska every year to hunt, fish and recreate. We would also like to thank the sponsors of the HB33, Representative Mark Neumann and Senator Fred Dyson, for sponsoring this important legislation.Knife Rights would also like to thank Pro-Tech Knives for their support in helping to pass this legislation.

With Governor Parnell's signature, all of Knife Rights legislation passed this year has now been signed into law. Alaska becomes the 7th state to enact Knife Rights' signature Knife Law Preemption.

Knife Rights Scorecard This Year:

FIVE more Pro-Knife Bills!
Knife Ban Repeals in FOUR more states this year!
Knife Law Preemption in THREE more states this year!

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