ALASKA ALERT: Comprehensive Knife Rights Act Passes! CALL & WRITE the Governor NOW!


Well-Known Member
After two years of effort, Knife Rights is very pleased to announce that the Alaska Legislature passed HB33, the comprehensive Knife Rights Act, and it is now on its way to Governor Sean Parnell. HB33 repeals the ban on the possession of switchblade (automatic) knives and enacts Knife Law Preemption, repealing all existing local restrictions on knives and preventing any new local knife laws from being enacted in Alaska.

Knife Rights would like to thank Representative Mark Neumann and Senator Fred Dyson for sponsoring this important legislation and for their determination that resulted in unanimous passage in both the Senate and House.

If you live work or travel to Alaska, PLEASE Call AND Email Governor Parnell and ask him to please sign HB33 as soon as possible.

CALL the Governor at: 907-465-3500
EMAIL the Governor at:

When you call and email, keep it polite, short and to the point. Just ask him to please sign HB33 as soon as possible.
I wish we could get that passed in Illinois. Right now we are waiting on what the General Assembly passes for concealed carry since the courts have said that Illinois had to pass a concealed carry law. I'm hoping that the law will include knives.

Good for your people in Alaska!
I live in California and the the chances of them passing any laws that lessen any laws that have to do with knives, are like a snow ball's chance's in Hell!

I'd love to see something similar happen in Minnesota. Ive got a permit to carry a firearm, it just seems silly that I cant also carry an auto knife.