Just anything you see i could maybe do better next time.
Great job on making a decent knife. You want critique.. OK. Well from looking at the pic its a bit rough in a few places.
Looks like you made some mistakes on the pin hole drilling as it looks like some glue has had to fill around those holes. If you dont have a pillar drill yet, would be a darn good investment and mark out the holes with a punch first to get the drill centred before you start.
The handle is pretty rough and needs better sanding, and ideally before you put it on the blade. If you don't have a belt sander its pretty good though. If you don't have a belt grinder buy one.
The blade looks really thick down towards the cutting edge, with a very sudden bevel to get the edge. OK maybe you want a chunky really tough knife, and if so thats fine, you make the knife for what you want it for. But it would be easier to sharpen and look better with longer bevels that come up say a third of the way up the blade. The flat of the blade doesnt look flat it looks concave in the middle. Also if the design was to have the blade wilting forward from the handle then ok, it's your design, but, it does look a bit odd, and a straighter spine to blade might look more standard. I think it might be that you rounded the top of the knife at the spine, that gives it that concave look. I personally prefer chunky solid spines with just a little of the edges taken off. I think you were going for a false edge, but it you want to put these in they have to be really exact and solid lines to make them features rather than making the blade look curved.
The polishing and finish is what you need to work on to get it looking 100% better. I think a file guide and a lot more sanding and you will have a great knife.
This is what I mean by the bevel:
This is what I mean by a flase edge on the top. Your flat needs to be really flat, and your bevels really exact angles.