2 things I hate a liar and a thief

C Craft

Well-Known Member
I have always said their is two things I hate, "a liar and a thief"! Today I left my house to pick-up my grandson from pre-K so I can nail the time within about 15 minutes give or take. I had no more pulled up in the parent pick-up line and my cell phone rang. It was my wife and she say some one just tried to kick in the back door.

Shocked I asked if her and the other grand kids were OK and she replied yes they ran off when I hit the back door with your baseball bat. I always keep a baseball bat by the back door, you know just in case!!!!!!!!!!

I gave up smoking about 14 years ago now but she still smokes. So she always goes to the back door between our laundry room and the garage too smoke! She was standing there and she seen and heard the knob on the back door to the garage twist back and forth. She said I almost reached up and unlocked as I thought it was you, as I had just left. Then whoever it was hit the back door three or four times. That' s when she hit it from the inside with the bat. The door is a solid door so you can't see through it but, as she turned to retrieve a gun she saw two white kids both with blue hoodies pulled up tight around there faces so she couldn't see their faces. She said by their size and build she thought they might be in there mid to late teens.

They don't know it but Mama will pick you eyeballs out with a pistol. She called the non-emergency number for the police, (because she felt she wasn't in harm as she seen them run off)! They took down the info and said they would relay it to the sheriffs dept. That never happened when I returned with my grandson the first thing I see at my back door as they have spray painted a symbol on my back door. It looks like a diamond. Not sure what the heck that is suppose to mean but when I saw that I went from mad to pissed.

I called 911 and told them where I was calling from and I wanted a deputy out here now. When he gets here a few minutes later I told him the story and showed him the back door. The non-emergency number had never called the sheriff's dept. to report my wife's call. Of course there was nobody to catch and they told me since the damage was minor there wasn't much that could be done! They will step up patrol's in the area.

Well I am friends with almost everyone on this street so I have spent the afternoon contacting all of them and telling them to lock their cars and not to leave anything out or unattended. I figure the more eyes that are looking for these little heathens the more chance their is of catching them. I just wish I had been home when it happened I guarantee they would have not made it too the edge of the property. I mean what the hell is the matter with this world anymore! I don't bother anyone and I don't appreciate someone scaring my wife and my grand kids.

We had a problem here like this about three years ago now and they finally caught them. I knew four of them lived in the trailer park behind me and had filed two or three reports when they tried to break into my storage shed back then. I told the detective they had on the case back then. You know if someone comes and knocks on my door and tells me the are down on their luck and hungry I will do what I can to help them. If I got it too give I won't hesitate to help!
However if you come into my yard and steal from me you have done the wrong thing. I don't care if it is cold dog turd laying in my yard it is mine, don't take it with asking! The detective finally caught one of them after I saw their vehicle they had been using and got the license plate number and good description of it. He followed one of them to his house and talked to his mother. She told him well I think he may have some stuff in his bedroom that don't belong to him The detective said they pulled over $800.00 of stolen merchandise out of the kids bedroom and when he told him he was going to jail for a long time he couldn't spill his gut fast enough, on the others.

The one thing that made it bad last time and I didn't let the wife know for a long time the detective when I told him something had to be done or someone was going to shoot one of these kids. He confided the they had stolen a 32 pistol out of one of the cars they had broken into and after they got that they had gone into a house and he was pretty sure they knew someone was home. They were beginning to play a very dangerous game at that point. Well the main thing was they finally got them back then.

I guess it's here we go again! They don't know it but they really pissed me off this afternoon. You don't mess with my property but most of all you don't scare my wife and my grand kids!:s8957:
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Sorry to hear this, Cliff. I had this issue with some of the neighborhood kids just last November. After nearly putting a .40 hollow point in one of them, all the crap stopped. Funny how that works... I had called 911 on every occasion that an issue arose and nothing was ever really done.

I prey that your issues subside as the outcome could be quite permanent for those kids.

Noting valuble to add really but sorry to hear this.

Glad to hear that the misses was prepared to take care of business if necessary.

Glad that the Misses and G-kids are alright and You sound like me!


"You know if someone comes and knocks on my door and tells me the are down on their luck and hungry I will do what I can to help them. If I got it too give I won't hesitate to help!
However if you come into my yard and steal from me you have done the wrong thing. I don't care if it is cold dog turd laying in my yard it is mine, don't take it with asking!"

I love it! "A cold dog turd!" "It's mine!" :s12137:


Thanks for the words of support guys! My son is a sheriffs deputy in the next county and incubuses a much larger city than the one I live out from. They have a gang task force as the area picked up a big gang problem after Katrina. You know the water floods out the rats and they take up residence some where else! Anyway I sent him pics of the symbol the painted on my back door as I want to know if there was meaning too it or if it was just malicious damage! If this has any ties to gangs this takes on a whole new meaning and war will be declared!!!!!

I am just waiting to see what happens today as I go to pick up my grandson from pre-K at almost the same time everyday, and I want to know if they are watching me! No I am not paranoid, just x-military. I still always sit with my back to the wall when I enter a business if at all possible. I observe everyone's demeanor when they enter said business. Paranoid not a bit I like to call it being prepared, or as ole friend use to say, "walk softly and pull a concealed weapon, whenever necessary"!!!!!!
glad things came out well, hope things stay quiet from here on out. if not got a feeling it might get loud :)
A few short months ago I was getting dressed for church and couldn't find my wallet. I looked all over the house, through the laundry, my work clothes, etc... and finally just jumped in the car and decided I'd retrace my steps after church.
While in the car, I reach for my iPod to put on some tunes, and lo and behold, I can't find it. Thinking that maybe my wife grabbed it, I called her on my cell. She hadn't touched it.

I then start looking around my car. Nothing really looked out of place, as it wasn't really the cleanest to begin with, but sure enough I start noticing other things are missing. Like the custom necker I made for myself and had hung around my rearview mirror. My leatherman wave that I kept in the center console. A couple of other items I had left in the front seat: gone.

I pull into the church parking lot and open my trunk. Some hand tools and electrical testers were missing too... BUT, it looks like they dumped my debit card, drivers license, mill badge, and just about everything else I had in my wallet (except the cash of course) out in the back of my trunk. Turns out I had laid my wallet in the front seat when I left the mill that weekend, and I forgot to grab it when I got home.

All in all, they made off with about $1500 worth of my hard earned property.

Oh how I would have loved to have been taken the garbage out one night and caught them in the act.

I called the county sheriff to fill out a report, and when the deputy showed up to my house, I gave him a detailed list of all that was taken, along with approximate values, and then showed him my car. The almost funny part was that the dude acted like he couldn't have cared less, and actually yawned a couple of times while filling in the report.

It's not like I expected him to do anything (or be able to do anything), but it came off as a tad disrespectful.

I'm with you though. There's few things in this world that boil my blood most, and one of them is a thief. I'm also the type of guy that would have given away almost everything in my car, and believe me, in the past I have given away most of the types of items that they took. But to just come into MY driveway, break into MY car, and take things that I busted MY butt for, while putting in little to no work of your own for it? I can't even tell you how angry that makes me.

Besides... I've REALLY been missing that leatherman! haha
I hear you, it's cold here this weekend so I got to bondo the dents they put in the metal door when it warms up. Because every time I look at that symbol on my backdoor my blood just boils again! No sense in painting it till I get the dents fixed!

I have been keeping my eyes and ears open. I went hunting this morning of sorts. I rode through the trailer park that is behind my place looking to see if I could find any symbols painted on anything that looked like what's on my back door. No luck but I may have the trailer pinpointed that the problem exists in. I was out with the dog tonight and saw and heard enough to give me reason to keep and eye on that one.

You know I just don't get it, I don't bother anyone but when riled up my Irish begins to show! Well lets just hope this all quiets down but experience tells me more than likely it is just a lull. A snake might shed it's skin but it's still a snake!:15:
We had a little druggie around here thinking he was Al Capone. He's not eligible for parole until 2032. I figure he's washing somebodies dirty drawers and cleaning up their cell. I know him and I've been tempted to send him a frilly pink nightgown and some fuzzy pink slippers so he'll look nice for his new hubby. He thought it was cool to get different gang tattoos and I wonder how that's working out for him at his new residence.
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