Search results

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    stag and antler

    I have a question about stabilizing antler handles.....I have used moose and deer antler for many years without stabilizing.....I was looking today at some antique knives from the 18 and 19 hundreds with antler handles that are still it a good idea to stabilize or not.....i sent a...
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    saw steel

    A couple of thoughts about using saw steel.......a few years ago a whole bunch of very large sawmills in our town all closed down because of a down turn in the markets......a good friend of mine who owns the largest saw shop in central canada went to the close out auctions and bought all the saw...
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    how to clean up the rust without grinding

    I was thinking sandblasting or some type of solvent
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    I just received a large sawmill bandsaw blade....{ 15n20 ]....and it has a pretty good coating of surface is like 12 in wide by 40 feet long

    something I cut it into 4 ft pieces....what is a good way o get the rust off without grinding it....I was thinking sand blasting...or is there a good solvent I can use....i am going to use it in my damascus so i want it to be clean as possible of course
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    I just recieved a shinto file from amazon in the mail......I was hoping that it would work good on desert ironwood for rough shaping and stock removal on handles....went into the shop and put a block of ironwood in the vise and give it a try......looks like it is going to work great.....I was...
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    vintage cattaragus knife

    I am looking for info on a vintage knife made by cattaragus is a longer blade hunter style blade that folds in thru the bottom of the handle to shorten it up to like a 5 in blade in a shorter sheath.......what were they callled? I also seen them years ago made by different...
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    kydex sheaths

    I recently came across a large local supply of kydex.......I now basically use kydex for all my sheaths......i do love a good leather sheath for knives but the expense of materials and time involved or the cost of having a custom sheath made has pushed me towards pressing my own kydex...
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    antler handle wax

    Has anybody got a suggestion for a good protective sealing wax for antler handles........occasionally i will have a handle shrink away from the tang or the guard area......usually will happen in the winter heating season when the house gets dry.....i was wondering if sealing the handle would...
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    happy new year

    happy new years from the great white north......may everyone have a healthy and successful new year......tim
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    little giant 50 lb

    I have an issue with my 50 lb little will run on and not stop hammering after depressing the foot usually does this when the weather is colder.....the linkage on the pedal seems to be fine.....I have cured the problem in the past by spraying the clutch assy down good...
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    Flat or Hollow grind

    Just a little survey.....what type of grind do you prefer and why? I like hollow grinds on most stock removal blades i do because i find them easier to finish/polish on a wheel......I like flat grinds for forged blades and damascus especially to show the pattern best.....I find flat grinds a...
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    working desert ironwood

    I haven,t used desert ironwood for a while and i had forgotten how quickly it plugs up the grit on the sanding belts........any suggestions on shaping handles from this is even plugging the teeth on my coarse files.......????
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    liner and spacer material

    I like to use red liner material a lot and red and black mixed for spacers.......I have found that the g10 red and black spacer material .....especially the red is not as nice as the fibre liner material.....the color isn't as there something that i am doing wrong or is that...
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    curly maple

    I am looking for some high quality curly maple,koa,birch,etc for axe and hatchet handles.......I like the tighter banding like you see on the good black powder rifles .....I am not looking for a bargain .......I want the good stuff.......has to be larger pieces to do axe handles...
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    curly maple

    I just finished a couple of small hunting hatchets with curly maple handles......I used 5 or 6 coats of dark walnut danish oil on the curly maple.....I wasn,t happy with the finish as it was not as glossy as i have had before......I thought what the heck and went to the buffer with white...
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    curly maple

    has anybody used potassium permanganate to dye curly maple........i have some on order from amazon and could use any tips on using it.....i am not satisfied with the stains i have been using as i would like the grain to pop out better
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    ancient sea cow bone

    i anyone have experience using sea cow bone for handles........does it need stabilizing? seems to have a porous texture that will collect buffing compound if polished........i was thinking a super glue finish.....any suggestions?
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    forge scale

    Hey guys......I just finished forging 3 billets of layer damascus from 24 in circular saw blade material <L6?> and 15n20.......everything welded up fine but I ended up with extremely hard forge scale on the surface of the billets.......I am wondering what is causing this as I was fluxing entire...
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    warp in the quench

    I have been doing something recently that i first tried because i was curious and it has been working extremely well for me.........i dont usually have a lot of problems with warping in the quench but as i do forge a bunch of filleting knives out of circular saw blades occasionally i get some...
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    canadian giant #2 power hammer

    does anyone know what size this hammer would be......i have a chance to buy and seller is not sure.....thanks