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  1. Church & Son

    Wades Dagger

    Talented Folks!!
  2. Church & Son

    Haven't Done One Of These In A While

    In the folder!!! Nice job Brother...Love that handle... But I'm in Denver, air a little thin for me,I'll examine it closer when I get home.. Happy New Year!!!
  3. Church & Son

    Buffalo skinner sheath question

    Hey Dan, a wide pouch style sheath seems to work OK on curved skinners.. I've done a few but have also cut the stitching on them also.. Rivets instead of stitches seems to last longer, also a thick welt helps... I've been studying this era for years but there is not a lot of pics or museum items...
  4. Church & Son

    Wrought Hawk

    AWESOME Mate!!!! Love that wiggly iron!!
  5. Church & Son

    My latest sheath

    Very Nice!! Love those beads....
  6. Church & Son

    Boot leather scrap for sheaths

    Here's a sheath made entirely from one boot... I've made them from saddle pieces, nail aprons, coats..ect.. This one made from a rawhide dog chew... All ya need is desire, everything else is laying around...
  7. Church & Son


    Awesome!!Love that top cap...
  8. Church & Son

    Walrus Dagger

  9. Church & Son

    Something I Am Very Proud Of

    The way our world is falling apart that may be essential "going down to the corner store" dress soon!! Awesome job...Love that old iron.....
  10. Church & Son

    Frontier axe

    Very Nice!!
  11. Church & Son

    New One For KT

    I'll have to go back through my "stolen..I mean borrowed" from Wade file but from my burned out memory that IS AS NICE OF A KNIFE I HAVE SEEN FROM YOU!!!!!! Outstanding....LOVE the handle!!!!
  12. Church & Son

    So let's say I want to get into doing forging work..What do I need?

    Here's a link to a very cheaply made charcoal forge that Tim Lively shared and I copied... It'll get ya beatin' hot iron for a few bucks and you can go from there... Or not, I still use two of them... And another built...
  13. Church & Son

    Prehistoric Hawk

    Very, very nice!!
  14. Church & Son

    Another War Club

    Thanks Guys, they are fun to make and swing!! Thanks Kelvin, here's a pic of a painting Chuck Burrows shared of the Aztec feathered serpent deity Quetzalcoatl... He was worshiped from about 900-1400ad...That would pre-date Euro's on this continent, as well as firearms.... Sure looks like a...
  15. Church & Son

    Old Bowie

    Sweet!!.. Great save...Nice to see a few of these awesome blades have survived....
  16. Church & Son

    The Cowboy and the Coyote

    VERY NICE!! Love the sheath also...Wicked colors...The moose handle looks great, most are too large but this one fits.... Is that a bear skull? I've got pieces of a large band saw blade from early 1900's...Mine ain't that pretty!!
  17. Church & Son

    David and Goliath

    I think you took my pipe with you....
  18. Church & Son

    David and Goliath

    Yeah, maybe good with a sling but I'll bet he couldn't do a bone handle like Brother Wade!!
  19. Church & Son

    New sheath

    Something very refreshing about this one....Love the blood knot braiding....
  20. Church & Son

    If you find this humorous, then you are no doubt a knife maker.

    Pants are overrated but a good belt is hard to come by....