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  1. burchtree

    Official Shop Tunes Thread

    I listen to a ton of audiobooks on an ipod (I get them from the library). Usually listen to a lot of "Clutch" when listening to music. Also some Delta blues, old metal, old rock, pretty much anything but country (except a bit of Charlie Daniels and Hank William Jr.)
  2. burchtree

    Avoiding legal problems

    If you're reporting income, then it doesn't matter if you're part-time or not.
  3. burchtree

    Avoiding legal problems

    Become an LLC if you're going to start doing this as a business. That way if you get sued, they can only take your shop stuff, etc. and can't get your personal stuff. I highly recommend finding some good business insurance for your knifemaking too. If a fire starts in your shop/garage and...
  4. burchtree

    Avoiding legal problems

    I guess you could, but if someone really wanted to screw you over because they did something dumb, the waiver wouldn't do much.
  5. burchtree

    Opinions on Mill Drill

    That is probably right, the G0619 is a much "beefier" mill in person.
  6. burchtree

    Opinions on Mill Drill

    Not bad. Looked at it the other day (live by a grizzly) and it looks decent. I have a buddy that has this one and likes it. I have been thinking about picking one up.
  7. burchtree

    O.k. grinding help needed

    Another thing to check is the blade straightness -- that can screw up grinds fast! Other than that; practice, practice, practice.
  8. burchtree

    Addicted to dovetails

    There was a guy that made dove-tailing jigs awhile ago and I picked one up. Awesome piece for getting it just right! I'll take a photo today when I get a chance.
  9. burchtree

    Still alive (with pics!)

    Thanks for the kind works all! :)
  10. burchtree

    Still alive (with pics!)

    Was getting ready for the Vegas show and now doing some "Daddy Daycare", so time has not been my friend lately! Sorry for being such a slacker! :D
  11. burchtree

    Hello from Missouri

    Welcome from Springfield!
  12. burchtree

    A G Russell Show Aug 7/30 - 8/1

    That is a gorgeous blade! I hope to be there at some point. :D
  13. burchtree

    Let's see some hamons!

    Nice! Here's one I just finished -- an XL Chubby:
  14. burchtree

    Ever hit a roadblock that you just can't seen to get past?- or how to make a folder!

    Things are going to get ruined, that's just a fact. Jump in with both feet. :D
  15. burchtree

    Meet Cullen Gregory Burch!

    possibly, since he came a week earlier than expected. :)
  16. burchtree

    So, where do I draw the line??

    Just think how healthy you'll be!! (now send me all your elk meat :D)
  17. burchtree

    Meet Cullen Gregory Burch!

    The wife and I just had our first child on the 25th. An 8-pound baby boy we've dubbed Cullen. We brought him home yesterday and already have a couple sleepless nights under out belts. He has healthy lungs and his poop-maker definitely works! I've yet to change a single diaper in the nursery or...
  18. burchtree

    AG RUssell Knife Event

    It is a good show -- AG set it up in a nice hotel and location. We just need more customers, but if the makers stick to and help draw in the crowd, I think it'll be a great show down the road.
  19. burchtree

    Master Knifemakers Mindset?
