Recent content by tmr

  1. T

    stag and antler

    sorry about the delay in response i have been away.....I live in thunder bay ontario......moose antler is not a problem at all to secure......a lot of my customers bring me some as i always repair and sharpen for free
  2. T

    I just received a large sawmill bandsaw blade....{ 15n20 ]....and it has a pretty good coating of surface is like 12 in wide by 40 feet long

    sorry KEN ihave been busy.....the blade is about 1/16 in caliper needs a battery......guess what.....I taught a class yesterday and one of the students works in a sawmill in a town a couple of hours away that still uses those big bands......looks like I may be getting more....and...
  3. T

    Buffer Transference

    try white compound on a dedicated works for me......lots of compound and lighter pressure
  4. T

    stag and antler

    thanks for the feed back thing I should add is that I use a lot of the fighting points from large moose antlers and they are solid with no pith at all.....also the bases close to the skull as they are as solid as ivory also....deer antler is mostly stick tang or thru tang
  5. T

    stag and antler

    I have a question about stabilizing antler handles.....I have used moose and deer antler for many years without stabilizing.....I was looking today at some antique knives from the 18 and 19 hundreds with antler handles that are still it a good idea to stabilize or not.....i sent a...
  6. T

    saw steel

    A couple of thoughts about using saw steel.......a few years ago a whole bunch of very large sawmills in our town all closed down because of a down turn in the markets......a good friend of mine who owns the largest saw shop in central canada went to the close out auctions and bought all the saw...
  7. T

    how to clean up the rust without grinding

    I was thinking sand blast because the 15n20 saw blade that I have has light rust in areas and some smaller areas that look thoughts that if grinding the area i have to grind to below the deepest pits and with blasting I can just clean the deeper spots with abrasive and still be...
  8. T

    how to clean up the rust without grinding

    I was thinking sandblasting or some type of solvent
  9. T

    I just received a large sawmill bandsaw blade....{ 15n20 ]....and it has a pretty good coating of surface is like 12 in wide by 40 feet long

    something I cut it into 4 ft pieces....what is a good way o get the rust off without grinding it....I was thinking sand blasting...or is there a good solvent I can use....i am going to use it in my damascus so i want it to be clean as possible of course
  10. T

    KnifeKits rip off

    I am always a little surprised how incredibly cheap some makers can is not like 89$ is a ton of materials to buy especially when the price of transportation has gone up so much......if you were my customer I would not sell you a thing for your rude comments
  11. T


    I am surprised that there weren't a bunch of people using of those best kept secrets I guess...a definite game changer for ironwood etc
  12. T


    I just recieved a shinto file from amazon in the mail......I was hoping that it would work good on desert ironwood for rough shaping and stock removal on handles....went into the shop and put a block of ironwood in the vise and give it a try......looks like it is going to work great.....I was...
  13. T

    Handle question

    being from northwest ontario in canada i have access to lots of moose antler which is a native source of antler in our area...i use a lot of it for handles....the large bases on the antler and the predominant points out the front of the antlers called fighting horns are a fantastic source of...
  14. T

    vintage cattaragus knife

    I am looking for info on a vintage knife made by cattaragus is a longer blade hunter style blade that folds in thru the bottom of the handle to shorten it up to like a 5 in blade in a shorter sheath.......what were they callled? I also seen them years ago made by different...
  15. T

    kydex sheaths

    I will get someone to help me do it first time and i will post pics of the kydex......thanks for the info