Recent content by Owl

  1. Owl

    OPauls Knife Picture Thread

    Looks great Paul. Nice and clean.
  2. Owl

    Adding Argon to AEB-L HT Pouch

    Did this result come out better than just using the stainless foil pouch alone? Were you getting much scale or decarb on your AEB-L without the Argon?
  3. Owl

    Grinding jigs

    I got the larger one, the MC152 size, I think. When grinding larger blades I am using the whole width of the jig. The older jigs I used required small vise grip clamps and I found them too "fiddly". The magnet works really well, but looking at the Moen and hearing what Chris has to say makes...
  4. Owl

    Grinding jigs

    I also learned to grind freehand and did that for a few years. But since I like to make a batch of the same design at the time, I decided to try out a jig. I made a couple jigs that seemed clunky to use, and finally decided to get the one made by Contender...
  5. Owl

    Belt progression

    I do all my grinding post HT. I wet grind with 36 or 50, then 120 ceramics. After that dry with Trizact 337 in A65, the A45, then hand sand. If I am doing damascus I'll use a Trizact A30 after that.
  6. Owl

    2X72 water mister

    This is a nice setup, and it really does help reduce overheating when you are doing your post HT grinding, especially with thin blades. I have been using a system like this for the past several years with good success. You may want to try adding this #77 grinding fluid to your water bottle. I...
  7. Owl

    Trouble Heat Treating Baker Forge Bronze SanMai

    How about posting a picture of it once you have it etched?
  8. Owl

    The Laser Thread

    That whole blade etching looks interesting, but do you know how much it heated up your blade? If it caused a warp I wonder if it would be hot enough to affect your heat treat.
  9. Owl

    The Laser Thread guys are killing me with your lasers! I really needed an excuse to buy another piece of equipment! I see that your diode lasers can achieve a fairly permanent dark mark on blade steel. Are you able to get any depth on the steel with a diode laser? I see they have some 40 watt ones...
  10. Owl

    Trouble Heat Treating Baker Forge Bronze SanMai

    Yeah, you have to test only the core 80crv2. It has to be a spot that is solid steel all the way through, so it has to be near your edge. If there is a layer of bronze or copper below the test point it will give you a softer reading.
  11. Owl

    OPauls Knife Picture Thread

    This is beautiful opaul! You are a knife making machine!
  12. Owl

    Glass Patten

    I welded a small shelf, about 1/8" x 1/4" on the bottom of my platen for the glass to sit on, and then used JB Weld to attach the glass platen. The shelf is just insurance. I have noticed some static discharge at times. If that happens I spray the belt and platen with a little Static Guard.
  13. Owl

    Glass Patten

    I got one from Boss Dog also, a very long time ago. It is still going strong. They last forever.
  14. Owl

    Wood Identity

    I would say desert ironwood also.
  15. Owl

    How Many Knives at Once...

    I agree with Kev about the advantages of working in batches. I mainly do stock removal AEB-L blades so it is easier for me to set up and do marking, cutting out 3-4 patterns and profiling about 25-30 total blades at once. Then I set up and bag them all in SS foil and spend a day heat treating...