Recent content by Johan Nel

  1. Johan Nel

    Whats going on?

    I enjoy the interaction with fellow knifemakers. I have also noticed the reduction in posts and interaction since COVID. What is especciaaly sad is that a number of people that used to post regularly, has not visited the site for quite a while. New members seem to have dwindled, and newbie...
  2. Johan Nel

    OPauls Knife Picture Thread

    Looking good opaul. I have come to like to use coloured hessian as a handle material.
  3. Johan Nel

    Hello from Brazil!

    You make top notch knives sir. Welcome to Knife Dogs.
  4. Johan Nel

    Work in progress

    There are some nice profiles there. Looking forward to seeing the progress on them. Keep us posted.
  5. Johan Nel

    First Bowie

    Looking good!
  6. Johan Nel

    Any simple way to guess steel type?

    Kevin Harvey from Heavin Forge has sample pieces of known steel. He proposes that you compare the sparks generated from the unknown steel with that off the known steels to try and determine the correct steel.
  7. Johan Nel

    Some progress

    I concur with rhe other gents here. You did excellent work.
  8. Johan Nel

    Scandi Hunter

    Stunning. This is, to me, an extremely aesthetic knife.
  9. Johan Nel

    Retirement gift !

    It is a beautiful knife. I like it. Just one question; is the heel of the blade not a bit too close to the guard?
  10. Johan Nel

    Latest slip joint finished!

    Nicely done!
  11. Johan Nel

    Past members

    So too John Wilson and John Doyle.
  12. Johan Nel

    Belt progression

    I prefer heat treating my steel first, then grind at 50 grit, refine with 120, then 200, then hand sand from there.
  13. Johan Nel

    three done

    I do like the design. Nicely done!
  14. Johan Nel

    old age

    With age comes bragging rights! The higher the number, the better the rights, or something like that....