Williamson-Dickie “I’m a Knifemaker” commercial


Well-Known Member
Williamson-Dickie “I’m a Knifemaker” commercial.
I thought I would share this with you gents. Just to clarify, I started blacksmithing 15 years ago and have been making knives for around the last five. And my anvil had to be placed that distance from the forge. I give a lot of the credit to my success to the generous members on knifedogs, especially Ed Caffrey. His posts and guidance and most importantly his faith have been an encouragement to me. As I tell folks all the time, God blesses me in spite of me. Curtis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPwZw-QMiog

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Nice....Good job Curtis. I hope it brings you a lot of new business.
Funny I should come across this video for Dickies work clothes. I was contacted from the photographer handling the Dickies account and was lined up for a commercial much like this one. At first they just wanted to shoot it in my shop but then asked if I'd like to be in it wearing Dickies. It was to pay good but at the last minute changed their flight plans and I was out of my new found modeling career.
BTW You look good in Dickie work clothes. :)
Thanks to all for the kind words! Bruce, sorry bro. Laurence, I nearly burst into tears (laughter) when I read the part about you setting yourself on fire. That was one of the main reasons I started wearing Dickies. I used to wear the “off” brand overalls and after the 3rd time of setting myself on fire I decided it was time to make a change. I reckon I am a bit slower lower than you; after all, it only took you one time at self combustion. 
"You don't forsake speed for quality"


I think you mean to use that the other way around
That means you produces crap at a high speed.

You probably mean
"you don't forsake quality for speed"

- which matches the rest of the text you use after.
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You are correct. I am not sure why they left that part in there. I was a bit nervous with the whole thing .