What the heck


Well-Known Member
I made a blade out od some w2 HTed it with clay to form a hamon. I sanded it to 800 grit and etched it 15 min. cleaned with 0000 steel wool and then etched again for 15 min. I then sanded with 2000 grit. The hamon came out great but the softer metal had bad what appeared to be sanding scratches etched into it. I then resanded it starting with 400 and working up to 1800 and redid the etching and again sanding scatches etch into it. Why is this happening? Has anyone encountered this before? What can I do to stop it?
I don't know what your etching in but I would say that you are etching too long.
I use feric acid from Radio Shack--Full strength-I go in for 20sec- out, wash in water, dry, spray with windex dry, polish with Never Dull. If it is not enough pop, I wipe good with alcohol
and repeat [one time] If I etch the third time I will get the etching scratches like you are talking about. Good luck, Jerry
I have to agree with Jerry on this one. You're etching it for too long. Start out with just a few seconds and then polish with the backside of your paper, if you're using shop roll. If you're not using shop roll, try the backside of a worn out J-flex belt.