Starting a new project.


and this is what i have to use sorry the photos a bit big. Ok we have a piece of cow and buffalo horn, 2 pieces of stag antler, coil spring bit of saw blade, 2 files and a long piece of 300 grade stainless steel. I will be posting more pics as i build, but just curious as to how you guys and gals what would utilise these materials.
cheers leigh.
if this is in the wrong place mods i apologise.
Ok so this afternoon after work I started annealing the bigger file.

My old man was kind enough to spend his morning burning a load of his rubbish to make me some ash, it was still burning when I got there, so the file plus another bit of steel (for mass) went into the hot ash and it was covered with heavy duty fire bricks.

Tomorrow we start to have fun.

I think I'm going to do two blades, one coil spring one file. And I'm letting my better half design the handles


sorry i haven'y updated lately but here is were i have been and were i am currently at.
started using one of the files but it all went horribly wrong, so that idea was scrapped and instead i used a chisel that my uncle got me from a car boot sale i have about 20 of them so i can spare one or two
i forged it out and split it into two parts and forged one of them to a rough shape
i then started to clean the blade up using hand files and my bench sander, also started on the plunges
i wasn't sure if i liked the blade shape so i re-profiled it to a more appealing style (i think anyway)
heat treat is this weekend and then onto the handle
thanks for looking