Sharping help.


Well-Known Member
Ok I can sharpen a blade to shave but I seem to have problems when it comes to the tip of the blade.
I sometimes roll it over. How can I improve my sharping cause knives in tips to poke things.
It sounds like a technique issue, how are you going about you sharpening? If ever there was a subject where there will be a thousand ways to get to the same end point it is sharpening!
It sounds like a technique issue, how are you going about you sharpening? If ever there was a subject where there will be a thousand ways to get to the same end point it is sharpening!
By hand on my grizzly. It was the way I was taught
By “rolling the tip over” do you mean rounding the tip?

Rounding the tip is very easy to
do on a belt. To avoid this, or to fix a rounded tip, you want to avoid trying to follow the curve all the way to the tip. The last bit of the pass needs to be in a straight line without rocking the knife. You want a straight line for that last 1/4 inch or so.
Also as you pass you reach the tip stop and pull the blade away from the belt before you reach the side of the belt. Hard to explain but you want to stop the blade being in contact with the belt when the tip reaches about half way across the belt (middle of belt).
Check Ed Caffrey's website on sharpening...he get's it hair popping in about 20 seconds...uses an old about 400 grit belt (iirc) and then buffs the edge lightly.
Is this one of those 2X72 Grizzly grinders? If so, it's running WAAAY too fast for decent sharpening, especially on the tip of a blade.
Yea... It's what I learned on. But I'm noticing that your right way to fast for the tip.