Product Liability Insurance


Well-Known Member

I am making knives and selling them quite briskly. Just back from he Raleigh Gun show and sold about 12. I do not put a makers mark on my knives yet but want to start. Do you guys buy product liability insurance just in case some one tries to sue you since your name is on the knife?????

Just wondering???

I put my name on all of my knives so customers and potential Customers can get a hold of me.

I currently don't buy a Liability insurance for my knives but I do buy it for my Retail Store/Knife making shop.

It may cover me for that too? Hope I don't have to find out? A lot of Liability depends on your liquid assets if sued.

I'm not a lawyer but I don't think you have much to worry about from your knives. unless maybe if you make folders and one of the locks fail?

Good Luck!
