Pass around!!!

Sounds good JS you are in but I will have to stop with you so this does not drag out to long.
I just sent it out to wade he should have around wens or thurs. would love to see some action pics if possible.
A little back story art summers talked me into the bolsters so these are truly my first set I used tubes and a different pin stock
so you could see them with the copper tubes. This is also the 2nd knife I heat treated by myself in 440-c I aimed for 58to 60 rc (but not tested)
so would like to see how will the edge holds up for you guys.
i am glad pass around has started. I am looking forward to using your knife. would you have any objections if I put one of my knives in the loop? i am #5 so i will send to #6. let me know. should be able to ship on Friday.
scott i am not sure i would say its up to the guys who signed up becouse they would then need to send 2 out.
As for me i would not care. Or if you start another thread you can start with me i would be in.
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scott i am not sure i would say its up to the guys who signed up becouse they would then need to send 2 out.
As for me i would not care. Or if you start another thread you can start with me i would be in.

so this to all who have signed up for the pass around. i would like to put a knife in the loop. knife would be a kitchen knife that fits in the smallest USPS Priority Mail box, which is currently $6. let me know your feelings and i will post pix of the choices. the blades with be 1080+ or O1, the handles are wood. thanx
Sounds good JS you are in but I will have to stop with you so this does not drag out to long.
I just sent it out to wade he should have around wens or thurs. would love to see some action pics if possible.
A little back story art summers talked me into the bolsters so these are truly my first set I used tubes and a different pin stock
so you could see them with the copper tubes. This is also the 2nd knife I heat treated by myself in 440-c I aimed for 58to 60 rc (but not tested)
so would like to see how will the edge holds up for you guys.

Just let me know here as well as by pm if you don't mind when it is ready for me, I will provide my shipping address to the person sending. I'll do a full on test if that's what you want. I also have a hardness tester at work, but it will leave an impression mark. If you want it just ask and I'll do it. I will do a full write up of my findings and post pictures here. No 2x4 is safe. :)
so this to all who have signed up for the pass around. i would like to put a knife in the loop. knife would be a kitchen knife that fits in the smallest USPS Priority Mail box, which is currently $6. let me know your feelings and i will post pix of the choices. the blades with be 1080+ or O1, the handles are wood. thanx

Scott was thinking it might be better to keep this at one knife or at 9 people this thread will get kind of long winded and I don't think both would get
the attention they might other wise deserve. let me now if you start another thread I would like to be in it.
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Just let me know here as well as by pm if you don't mind when it is ready for me, I will provide my shipping address to the person sending. I'll do a full on test if that's what you want. I also have a hardness tester at work, but it will leave an impression mark. If you want it just ask and I'll do it. I will do a full write up of my findings and post pictures here. No 2x4 is safe. :)
Well js a 2x4 might be safe with this knife :p not very big to be chopping with but if you can get a 2x4 apart in a timely fashion :) wow thanks I would love to see it rc tested if you could do buy my makers mark, if not that's ok just skip it don't want to do on the blade of course. the guy before you should pm you for your address Js.
will wait a few weeks and start a new pass around thread for my knife. Might have a blade made of O2 or 1.2519 ready by then.
A little update wade will be doing his write up this week and it is with herder now. I think the fun is about to begin I really
can't wait to see what everyone does with it ie cut and how they test her, I will learn a few things I am sure. :)
First off I want to apologize for taking so long to give the review.
My first impression with the knife was, what a great size for an edc. After inspecting the knife I found one little flaw of grinding at the tip of the blade also the edge of the spine was a little sharp which could be knocked with a light sanding. Then I tested the sharpness and found it was not the hair popping sharp that I really prefer but it did have a nice edge. I went to cutting 8-9oz leather holding it in one hand and slicing through with the other. The knife had a little rough time going through the leather so I stopped and did a touch up on the edge. After touching up the edge it sliced through the leather like I was expecting it to the first time. Next I grabbed a 1x2" piece of hardwood, locked it in the vise and started chopping the wood. For a knife of this size, small, I was surprised at the chopping ability. I went right back to the leather cutting and found that the knife has great edge holding ability, nice heat treat by Franklin. From this point on I was using the knife for opening boxes and cutting string and finally cutting rope. The knife is a little small for my hand but comfort was not a issue. I sent the knife on to Matt without touching the edge after all of the testing I did with it. Matt will be the next in line to report on the performance.
Final thoughts on the knife are; nice quality and craftsmanship and would promote Franklin to anyone who is thinking of buying a knife from him.

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Very cool wade thanks for the time you took for testing it out. Yes I could see where I could of took down the edges on the spline better was wandering about that. Now to the flaw at the tip I am wandering if I missed something is it something I missed hand sanding or when I was cleaning it up did I touch the belt there wade? Again thanks for your time. See now I now better and will double check every knife before I send out so again thanks for a heads up on that.
Man if any one could post up some pics in use that would be awesome. and so I could see my blemish I missed that wade told me about.
No pics, Franklin. Didn't even think about it. =(

I wouldn't have noticed the little ding on the tip of the blade if Wade hadn't mentioned it first. It looks like it grazed the belt while you were working on the handle, maybe?

It's a good looking knife! The blade has nice plunges and bevels and a consistent satin finish. Love the handle and bolster, and although I'm not sure I dig tubes for pins due to gunk getting stuck in them, they are easy on the eyes. Handle fit my hand fine. Maybe a little slim for my taste, but I have a tendency to make fat handles anyway.

The knife was about what I'd expect from a factory edge when I got it. Wade said he didn't do anything with the edge before sending it my way, so I sharpened it up and it lived in my kitchen for a week and a half, cutting on a plastic board. Worked great! I took it to a neighbor's house Saturday and let him play with it for the evening. He sharpened some marshmallow sticks for his kids to use around the fire pit, then cut up some ribs. On a cookie sheet. The edge didn't hold so well through that.

The sheath isn't fancy, but grips the knife well and is perfectly functional.

My quibbles: Ding on the tip that I couldn't un-see after Wade mentioned it. Finish on the bolsters was a little rough toward the spine. The pins on one side had small gaps near the holes. The other side was perfect! My neighbor thought the handle was way too small. He said the finger guard rubbed his finger near the blade and the pinky groove landed in the middle of his ring finger. He has hams for hands, to be fair. The grooves in your sheath wandered a bit. Happens to me all the time so it jumps out at me.

I was tempted to keep it another couple of weeks and see if I could take apart a turkey with it...but started feeling guilty. Touched up the edge and mailed it to phatjohn. =)

It was great to see your knife, Franklin! Nice work.
Thanks herder sounds like you had fun. This was very cool to hear cuz this is the smallest knife by far I have ever made but was trying for more
on the line of a small edc knife people could carry easily.
Thanks for clearing up that blemish thing for me I think I might of touched the belt there when
I was doing the flats on the handle before I sent it out :(
And the gaps on one side of tubes I did not catch that thanks for the heads up I will see how
I can fix that one.
Man this is cool things I either missed or would not have seen being brang to my attention will help me to catch them on next ones.
All I can say about the bolsters are they were really my first pair and was harder than I thought :) I see the tubes in the handle is still up in the air.
Great wright up herder, thanks for taking the time.
You had mentioned these were your first bolsters, and I was impressed! And the tube pins, just not for me. But like I said, they look great. Glad you got some use from my observations. Hope you do another pass around sometime! :cool:
Waiting to get your knife, anticipation is killing me. I'll be sure to take plenty of action shot when it gets here. And give a review in a timely fashion.

Another question and it's not meant to hi-jack your thread. Who else besides Wade, Matt and Franklin are knife makers?

Herder was already thinking of another but with a bigger one, one that I am more accustomed to making.
This time I wanted to put myself out there with something I now I need to work on and to see what I really needed to clean up or do better.
So ya keep a eye out sometime before the summers out.
Phatjohn pics would be awesome brother. I think most of us are makers but not sure? I sure hope I did not imply this was for makers only was open to all.
Are you a maker?would be nice if all were not. Hope you have fun.