no more trolling


Active Member
Been trolling around in here since the spring, and figured the bark is worse than the bite. I'm a land-locked captain in the sea of the midwest; Indiana to be precise. Originally from southwest Florida, relocated here in '06. Picked up a book on knife-making in January and a hammer in March. Used a piece of 1/2 inch plate (and a short telephone pole) for an anvil and started pounding (great stress relief.) But I need fine tuning, so this is the place. Anyway, hello.
Welcome aboard Dewey. I used to work in the marine industry myself. I worked for Tidewater Marine operating OSV's (Offshore Supply Vessels) in the GOM. I had a 500 ton master/1600 ton mates license. If I can ever help you with anything let me know.
Greetings. See if you can find a block of steel for an anvil somewhere around where you're at. They make great anvils. I'd say from one sea dog to another but in 22 years in the Navy and Naval Reserve I managed to avoid being stationed on one of those big gray things.

A.R. Im in Monrovea s.w. of indy 24 miles from the air port, Im a quick study I picked up a peter wright in june.
I looked into posting pictures the thread looks in need of a tuning, are we using photo bucket?
thanks to all and with all the sea dogs here kind of feels like home, thanks gents.
Cool. I'm up in Northwest Indiana.

As for pics, I believe any photo hosting site will work on here, including photo bucket.
If you click the go advanced bottom when posting you can upload images directly from your computer using the manage attachment button. Welcome aboard!