newest piece.


Active Member
my newest. made from 1/8 1095. 8in oal 3 7/8in cutting edge.
handle is zircote with epoxy finish. ferris wheel mosaic pins. the last of those I had. time to reorder something different. or may try and make my own.
I have throwed it stabbed it in plywood chopped a piece o hickory into and it still shaves hair and cuts paper easily. I done one right for a change lol.
Nice work! Looks like your plunge lines are really coming along :) question... What did you use to make the edge choil at the heel of the edge? I've always wondered what ppl use... Just a file? You could use the same thing for jimping on the spine, right?
Ty very much. I hope my grinds get straighter when I get my belts for my 2x72 Friday to. My platten is a little off now. Or that's what I'm blaming it on lol. Yea I just use a chainsaw file. I guess you could I bought a needle file set for jimping but have not tried it yet. I'm going to practice on some junk steel first

Pearson marxman the buck stops here.